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Regular meeting with two Speakers on June 10, 2023


The meeting promptly started on time by President and TMoM, M.K.

Two guests, M.M. and Z.K. were welcomed and introduced by TMoM.

“Time” was chosen by TMoM as the meeting theme of the day because 6/10 was the Memorial Day of Time.

TM N.S. introduced the word “Resonate” as the Word-of-the-Day, and then various other roles were introduced.

In the Educational Session, a Table-Topic session was conducted by TM E.K. based on the meeting theme. Five interesting questions were given to members: Time is money; test of time; flow of time; time travel; travel to past.

The first prepared Speaker, TM C.E., talked about her precious experience in a different land and culture, and let us know what she learned.

The second prepared Speaker, TM R.B., talked about his sad memories in his family history, and his feelings.

In the Evaluation Session, TM. M.T. highlighted the good delivery skill of the first Speaker, and TM. S.M. gave positive suggestions for improvement for the second Speaker.

The meeting was reviewed by a short quiz session conducted by TM. S.N,

Best Table Topics Speaker: TM H.Y.

Best Evaluator: TM M.T.

Best Prepared Speaker: TM C.E.

It was one of very enjoyable meetings. Next regular meeting will be on 6/14, in hybrid, and at Bunkyo Kumin Center

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