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Regular meeting with 2 prepared speeches on Apr 9th 2022

Updated: Apr 24, 2022

Toastmaster of the Morning: TM N. S.

Theme: Spring   

Guest Greeter: TM Y.K.

We had a couple of guests today:  one from the Toastmasters club in Chicago, another who was a former president of our club (2009-2010) visited us as a guest, and the Area 25 Director visiting officially as an Area Director. Word of the morning: rein

TMoM started the meeting telling us how special this spring is. She said we, each one of us should feel gratefulto be alive and we must realize what “peaceful” lives we have.

Table Topics Masters was presented by TM Y.K.

He contributed his time to us from outdoors! All the questions were very simple but very interesting.

Q1: What is your favorite season? The speaker used to like summer, but now she loves spring because she loves flowers.

Q2: What is your favorite flower? The speaker said “of course, I love lilies.” Her name is Yuri which means lily in Japanese.

Q3: What is your favorite snack? The speaker's favorite snack is potato chips. He wants to eat them sometimes after dinner.

Q4: What is your favorite juice (including liquor)? The speaker told us his nostalgic story about Mariko-san again! His favorite juice (?) is Old Par.

Q5: What is your favorite animal? The speaker answered the question. He has an unforgettable memory of seeing wild squirrels in a US airport. What a wonderful session! The questions were very simple but very intriguing to all of us! We recalled the basic idea of Table Topic Questions. Thanks!

Prepared Speech Session

Speaker 1 : TM S.M.

" Crescent-moon Bread"

TM S.M. who loves cooking introduced the history andsome anecdotes about “Croissants” with his beautiful slides. Some slides were the speaker’s own photos from his croissant-baking procedures.

Speaker 2 : TM J.T.

Title hidden. He practiced his upcoming Division Contest speech.

General Evaluator TM M.T. led the Evaluation session very smoothly and professionally.

1st Evaluator TM M.T. Pointed out how beautifully and precisely the slides were made. He thought no one knows details about “Croissant,” so the speaker’s topic was very interesting.

2nd Evaluator TM M.K. shared the Judge’s Guide and Ballot sheet to evaluate his speech. Comments for TM J.T.’s contest speech from the members:

-Visual aid was not shown properly. Voice was muffled, use microphone. Add some episode about his grandmother’s story. There are a little too many people in the speech. Etc.

Best Table Topics Speaker: TM H.Y. & TM Y.T.

Best Evaluator: TM M.T.

Best Speaker: Guest TM J.T.

It was a very cozy meeting and all in all a successful, fruitful, and fun meeting!

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