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Regular meeting with 2 prepared speakers on Feb 26th 2022


Toastmasters of the Morning: TM S.M.

Guest Greeter: TM Y.K.

Unfortunately we only had 7 members attending, one of the lowest number of participants we remember. Still thanks to guest taking roles and some members taking more than one role we were able to hold a fruitful meeting. In the evaluation session we were able to give some feedback to the contest speech.

Table Topics Masters TM Y.K. asked basic questions to challenge speakers to give a twist.

Prepared Speech Session

Speaker 1: TM K.A.

TM K.A. reflected about the past meeting, a meeting we ended up not holding a contest. Speaker 2: TM C.E.Details will not be disclosed because the speech is for the contest.

Evaluation Session

General Evaluator: TM C.W.

1st Evaluator: TM S.M.

2nd Evaluator: TM E.K.

Quiz Master: TM K.A. asked questions about answers from the Table Topics.


Best Table Topics Speaker: TM C.W.

Best Evaluator: TM M.T.

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