Toastmasters of the Morning: TM A.M.
Theme: Peace
Guest Greeter: TM Y.K.
President started the meeting from showing a feeling towards 9.11..
We had 1 guest today, probably the highest at least for the past 3 years.
TM H.Y Area 25 Director, and TM B supported our meeting as always.
Finally member TM A.M. took the role of TMOM after she had to forfeit her role a month ago due to heavy rain. During the rain she struggled for maintaining a peaceful mind. So TMOM selected the theme peace to thank for the peace we have.
(Then role takers introduce roles)
Word of the morning: Tepid.
Table Topics Masters is being presented by TM Y.K.. Questions were quoted from “1時間おきにテーブルトピック!”, a twitter account that tweets a question every one hour.
Q1. Please brag about yourself.
TM N.S. answered about her experienced about experience in NY.
Q2. What is your buzzword so far this year?
TM H.Y. mentioned about, I would say risk management topic.
Q3. Now we have 25 hours in one day. How will you utilize your extra 1 hour? You cannot say I will sleep more.
TM M.S. mentioned about studying and baking.
Q4. What day is today? If you do not know please make up a day on your own. (ex) O. Henry’s birthday, 9.11.
TM M.K. mentioned where she were when 9.11. occurred.
Q5. When you are sleeping in the bed, you hear a sound “Boom!” outside. What is your next action?
TM S.N. will hide inside the house: bed or bathroom?
Q6. Now we have only 23 hours in one day. How will you manage?
Guest S mentioned about slashing time to sleep and work.
Q7. What is something you want to start or stop right away?
TM E.K. mentioned about passing a role to others.
Q8. You got a right to set up one extra holiday. Please decide the date and name the holiday.
TM J.M. recommended making 9.12. to be a holiday to think about the tragedy.
Q9. What is the food you do (or did) not like the most?
TM O.M. mentioned about he is struggling with Paxi.
Q10. Which place do you think is the most beautiful in the world?
Guest TM B mentioned that where you are is beautiful.
Prepared Speech Session
Speaker 1 : TM C.E.
" Suitable "first" role for a new member"
Thanks to the opportunity, members discussed about appropriate roles a new member feels comfortable and retain as a member. TM C.E. was a good facilitator and concluded that members should not push a specific role for a member.
Evaluation Session
General Evaluator: Guest TM B.
1st Evaluator: TM M.T.
General Evaluator suggested to have a break before the prepared speech session because both Table Topics session and 1st speech were long. General Evaluator mentioned to keep engagement towards the members then the meeting will get heated.
Best Table Topics Speaker : Guest TM B.