Word of the Day: Buy a Vowel
Best Speaker: TM M.T.
Best Evaluator: TM E.K.
Best Table Topic Speaker: TM S.H.
Today we welcomed 2 guests! We are honored to welcome TM S.H., the H2 Area director, who chose our club for his first observation in his tenure! We were also delighted to be joined by Ex-TM D.V.G. from Italy, who reconnected with us after multiple visits. Thank you for your time to participate and liven up our club😊😊😊
Our meeting theme today was "What we have no choice but to do". As we age, there are many obligations we have to cope with. Don’t you ever wish to go back to your childhood and free yourself from all those responsibilities?🙈😝 Table Topic Master TM R.M. helped us navigate how we can motivate ourselves and accomplish our obligations.
Last but not least, a big round of applause to TM M.T., completing Dynamic Leadership path by delivering an eloquent 20 minutes speech👏 She shared her experiences with medical services in the US and enlightened us on how fortunate we are to be able to have immediate access to specialist care in Japan and reassured us that "We are in good hands."
Attending Toastmasters club meetings is not only for improving speech techniques but also for expanding our comprehension of the social & life issues.. Let's continue learning and growing together at Toastmasters🤓
