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530th Regular Meeting (Hybrid), "Welcome Summer" 22nd June 2024

Regular meeting with two Speakers on June 22, 2024.

The meeting promptly started on time by President and TMoM E.K.

“Welcome summer” was chosen by TMoM E.K. as the meeting theme of the day. TM

Z.K. introduced the word “succinct” as the Word-of-the-Day, and various other roles

were introduced.

In the Prepared Speech Session, the first speaker, TM M.K. talked about her

accomplishments in her activities in the Leadership Toastmasters Club so far and

her attempts as the Area Director in the past year. She inspired the members to

cheer up and boldly take on the challenge.

The second speaker, TM H.Y. talked about recent miserable disasters around the

world caused by the Climate Change. He mentioned the possibilities of advanced

civilization on one of the planets in the constellation of Centaurus. He proposed us

to transmit, travel there on board the space ship by speed of light and pray and ask

its living things about the resolution of our serious problem.

In the Table Topic Session, TM M.S. conducted it on the base of the meeting theme.

Five questions about our own memories of summer were given to the members.

Answers were dust, wind chime, fireworks, somen-noodles, and stream of ice


In the Evaluation Session, TM S.N. showed her satisfaction and her hope to know

more, and TM R.M. agreed on the presentation with some ideas for improvement.

Best Table Topic Speaker: TM M.T.

Best Evaluator: TM R.M.

Best Speaker: TM M.K.

After the business sessions, the meeting ended around on time. It was full of

contemporary topics with enjoyable and friendly atmosphere. Abundant ideas of

creation and improvement gave all fresh greenery feeling in early summer.

Here comes the end of 2023-2024 term officers. From the next meeting, the new

officers will be in charge.

Next regular meeting will be on 7/13, in hybrid, and at Tokyo

Volunteer Activity Center.

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