Today’s meeting was fun and exciting as usual despite the bad weather here in Tokyo. The meeting brightened up our day and gave us energy for the week.
The meeting was navigated smoothly by the TMOM, who had prepared for the meeting well. All the roles had been assigned and an email was sent before the meeting with all necessary information.
We had one guest, an ambassador of his toastmaster’s club in Florida. He said that this was the first Japanese club he has visited and he truly enjoyed our meeting.
Today’s two speakers talked about something we can all share – appropriate behaviors of the present age.
Today’s table topics questions were innovative. The table topics master told us to take two sides of the given subject matter. For example, a speaker to talk about a dream job for a minute and about a practical job for another minute. The guest was really impressed by this and he wants to use this method in his club as well.
We had encouraging evaluation speeches with good points as well as improvement points.
No doubt that we all enjoyed today’s meeting.
If you are reading this and have never visited our club, please visit us!
