The 522nd Regular meeting with two Prepared Speeches held on February 24th, 2024
The meeting promptly started on time by President H.Y. and TMoM, Z.K.
“Mastery” was chosen by TMoM as the meeting theme of the day considering our aspiration to improve public speaking skills. TMoM introduced the phrase “Go the extra mile” to be used by members during the meeting.
In the Educational Session, two prepared speeches were presented.
In the first speech, TM R.M. gave an Ice-breaker speech ‘Maktub (It is written)” in which learning and teaching were discussed as the theme for personal growth.
In the second speech, TM C.E. gave a speech ‘Sisterhood’ in which the commitment of personal involvement was stressed in return for the support of sisterhood in the past.
Table-Topic session was conducted by TM S.N. based on the theme of the meeting. Six interesting questions were given to members in relation with with ‘Mastery’: method, target, progress, motivation and reward.
In the Evaluation Session, TM. H.Y. conducted the session.
The first evaluator, TM. M.K. commended the speaker’s confidence in the talking manner and the excellent delivery.
The second evaluator, TM. N.I. commended the excellent quality of the speech and gave two suggestions for further improvement.
The meeting was reviewed by a short quiz session conducted by TM. E.K,
Best Table Topics Speaker: TM M.T.
Best Evaluator: TM N.I.
It was a very enlightening meeting based on the key word ‘Mastery’. Next regular meeting will be on 3/9, in hybrid, and at Tokyo Volunteer Center in Iidabashi.
