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511th Regular Meeting (Hybrid), "Summer Events" 26th August 2023


We had our first and last meeting in August!

We had two fabulous speakers. The first speaker was a member who is American and delivered a speech about an upcoming movie called "Oppenheimer".

Our second speaker was a young accountant, who is also a promising toastmaster, and spoke about "Our future" through his eyes as an accountant! Both speeches were very intriguing.

The Table Topic Session was conducted by TM AT. The questions were about "summer events" such as fireworks, summer vacations, summer festivals, and summer homework! One of the guests won the Best Table Topic Speaker award!

The Evaluation Session was conducted by two experienced and talented evaluators. Both pointed out the strong points and added a few suggestions for improvement to spice up the speeches.

We learned a lot from the speakers and evaluators alike. The meeting was very

successful and productive.

Best Table Topic Speaker: Ms. R

Best Evaluator: TM M.T.

Best Speaker: TM P.L

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