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510th Regular Meeting (Hybrid), "Beat the Heat!" 22nd July 2023

Leadership Toastmasters Club had a fun and enjoyable meeting with 12 active members and 2 guests on 22nd July. This day's meeting theme was "Beat the Heat!", and the Word of the Morning was "Combat". While outdoor activities are tough and sometimes dangerous in this scorching hot summer in Tokyo, Toastmasters meeting is safe, fun and educational!

Table Topic Session

TT Session was conducted by TM SY and this session became one of the highlights of this meeting. He started from easy questions like "Where do you go to combat the heat?" but then he went into very unique and a little tough to answer questions such as "What do you read to combat the heat?" or "What toastmaster role do you take to combat the heat?". It was so fun!

Prepared Speech Session

We had two well-experienced speakers on the day. TM EK delivered a speech about whom should he pay his gratitude to. His analytical and scientific story telling intrigued and inspired us. Do you know how many times your heart has beat to date?

TM YH delivered an insightful speech about his lesson for life. The title "Half-Done is Worse Than Fully-Done" sounds serious, but the episode he used was a little out of our expectations. We enjoyed a funny story about what he did to his friend in his childhood!

Evaluation Session

Fantastic evaluators gave feedback to speakers. TM SN passionately shared her thoughts about TM EK's speech, precisely pointing out both good points and room for improvement. Her evaluation itself sounded like another speech! TM CE evaluated TM YH's speech with very good attention to details and a supporting mindset.


Best Table Topic Speaker: Aya-san

Best Evaluator: TM CE

Best Speaker: TM EK


The next meeting will be held on August 26th. Stay tuned!

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