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Regular meeting with 4 prepared speakers on 24th July 2021

Writer's picture: xdshp190xdshp190

We had such a stimulus meeting with 4 prepared speakers and 4 evaluators, all of whom delivered great speeches and evaluations.

Toastmaster of the morning: TM C.W.

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games have just started last night. One of the new events adopted in this Olympic Games is Skateborading and in Ladies event, 3 out of top 10 ranking athletes are Japanese girls – literally girls as many of them are teenagers and the youngest one is aged only 12 years old! Let's cheer them on!!

Guest Greeter: TM K

・TM B from the U.S.

・Ms. V from India (TM B’s friend)


・TM H.Y. Area 25 Director

・Ms. H.M. ・TM T

Word of the morning: Go-to

Table Topics Session

Table Topics Master: TM J.M.

Question 1: What was your child hood dreams? – TM S.N. answered that she wanted to be a magician or illusionist as they looked gorgeous!

Question 2: Would you like to go to the space? – TM H.Y. answered why not?

Question 3: How do you think about Jeff Bezos’s going to space?

Question 4: Do you think Elon Musk will go to the space with his Space X?

Best Table Topic Speaker was TM B, who answered to Q3, saying that while it’s great that he went to the space, he should also think about the fact that there are people suffering from poverty at the same time.

Prepared Speech Session

Speaker 1: TM K.A. “Unconscious Bias”

If you are a leader or want to be a leader, you should take Implicit Association Test(IAT) to realize that you have unconscious bias and minimize the negative impact it might cause on your decisions.

Speaker 2: TM S.M. “Share Your Stories – II”

He talked about speech crafting method and recommended us to conduct a speech cycle: Book a speech slot first – Ideate and Deliver – Review and Reuse the speech.

Speaker 3: TM C.E. “A lesson from the Past”

She shared her experience of being protégé as an assistant teacher in the U.S., and concluded that even protégé need to take action and be a proactive protégé is important.

Speaker 4: TM P “The Arc of Resilience”

He had arcs in his life. Now that he’s going to turn to 77 next year, he’s planning to climb the peak of Mt. Fuji and starting a new business with his son. We should all have “daruma” in our minds, “nanakorobi yaoki”, or always rising after a fall.

Best Prepared Speaker was TM P

Evaluation Session:

General Evaluator TM K

1st Evaluator – TM M Suggested to use body language and facial expression more, even in a ZOOM Meeting.

2nd Evaluator – TM B

Suggested to weave a story in his proposals, as a step to going to the next level.

3rd Evaluator – TM Y

Mentioned that he wanted to hear more about TM mentor-mentee relationship.

4th Evaluator – TM K

Putting more stress on the expression saying “I lost everything”, would have added more impact.

Best Evaluator was TM B

Quiz session: TM M.K

Picked up quizzes from opening, table topics, and prepared speech sessions regarding what speakers have said and was very interesting.

We’ll have the next meeting on 14th August!

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