Toastmasters of the Morning: TM A.M.
Theme: Gratitude
Guest Greeter: TM Y.K.
We welcomed 3 guests. One from Toastmasters club from KL Malaysia. TM H.Y Area 25 Director, and TM B.A. supported our meeting as always.
The meeting theme was gratitude, since we are coming towards a moment to thank everyone, for instance Thanksgiving Day.
Word of the morning: Insane
Table Topics Masters was being presented by TM K.A.
Speakers were asked to talk about pictures about: Japanese festival, Cherry Blossom, Coming-of-age 20 ceremony, Preying at Shinto Shrine, Japanese night market, street night view, and fireworks.
Prepared Speech Session
Speaker 1: TM T.N.
The speech is about scary experiences of online meeting. He mentioned some unique suggestions how to enjoy online meeting.

Speaker 2: TM M.K.
"Fly to the Moon"
The speech was about high performance leadership, leading the club towards 20th anniversary in a hybrid style meeting.
Evaluation Session
General Evaluator: TM Y.K.
1st Evaluator: TM S.K.
2nd Evaluator: TM M.T.
Quiz Master: TM Y.K. asked questions about 1stspeaker’s suggestion.
Best Table Topics Speaker: Area 25 Director
Best Evaluator: TM M.T.
Best Speaker: TM T.N.